A new innovative and ambitious program is starting

After more than 25 years in primary school libraries and the training of librarians, Sipar continues his work in schools and more specifically with high schools located in rural areas, with a view to helping career guidance to strengthen the civic engagement of Cambodian students.
The Cambodian labour market today suffers from a mismatch between the skills required by companies and those transmitted to school in a country in full development and perpetual change. Students, especially in rural areas, face a critical lack of information about their post-graduate study and career options as well as the job market in general.
This program has several objectives:
- Professionalize and adapt the orientation path of young people and make them more autonomous thanks to the multimedia resources of the Vocational Orientation Centres (VCO) in 15 provincial high schools.
The libraries of these high schools will be enriched with a multimedia space dedicated to the orientation of high school students and specific training will be provided to 150 executives of the Ministry of Education, so far untrained in these new orientations.
- Develop the social and civic skills of young members of community based organizations (CBOs)
The CBOs, also called "Youth Clubs" are part of the volunteer promotion programme set up by Sipar since 2012. Mobilised in the Clubs, young peopleaged 12 to 18 continue to carry out educational activities in their communities and atthe same time promote volunteering in their high schools.
- New print and digital tools are created and disseminated, meeting the needs of young people aged 12 to 25
Sipar and its partners design and distribute a set of 11 printed and 4 digital tools in the 15 BCOs, 23 municipalities and the general public. In total, 30,000 to 40,000 young people will have access to these new tools, contributing to their personal development and choice of orientation.
This new program is co-built with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as well as the association Passerelles Numériques and the local NGO Youth Star, which have already been accompanying us in our "Promotion of volunteering" program for many years.
A vast project with a promising future...
The project is funded for 60% by theFrench Development Agency but the budget for this new programme has not been finalised. We are counting on you, faithful and generous donors, to continue the journey with us in this new adventure. If you wish to support us, you can make a donation to the association by following this link.Thank you for your generosity and commitment to us!
Once again Sipar is a pioneer and remains faithful to its mission of access to reading and education!