Farewell Claude

Claude Vincent président Sipar

Claude Vincent passed away last week.

Following a very rich professional life, Claude was President of Sipar for 24 years, from 1995 to 2019, guiding our charity towards the development it knows today. SIPAR is a charity well known in Cambodia and by Cambodians for its key contribution in the fight against illiteracy and for encouraging reading as an individual, and also national tool for development.

Three years ago, Claude asked me to succeed him and accepted to remain as a member of the board of directors to help me during the transition phase. He was an extremely active member, remembering actions from long ago as well as more recent ones, remembering current budget figures as well as those from previous years...

Last December he still came to our office in Versailles almost every week, often by bike. We never imagined he would succumb to illness so fast.

All those who knew him, and in particular the members of our Board of Directors and the team in Phnom Penh, will remember Claude as someone discreet, smiling, upright and demanding; always concerned with ensuring SIPAR’s future while remaining curious and open to new ideas to help contribute to Cambodia’s development, a country which he loved deeply and which he had so often visited on behalf of SIPAR.

On a personal level, I shall always remember the role he played guiding me and passing on all his experience, particularly during his last trip to Cambodia which we did together.

Thank you, Claude, we shall keep and grow the legacy you have left us. You can rely on each and every one of us from the oldest to the youngest, in Phnom Penh as well as in Versailles.

Patrice Lucas - president


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