sipar NGO

The mission of Sipar NGO is to promote education and the development of reading habits in Cambodia by allowing everyone to have access to books and by fighting against illiteracy.

Discover Sipar

our programs

School libraries 

School libraries 

Non formal education

Education and reading for all

Khmer book publishing

Khmer book publishing

youth empowerment

youth empowerment

Marie Desplechin, godmother of Sipar

“We are not going to make a revolution by learning how to read but it is a tool of happiness, enrichment, openness to others that transcends cultures and continents. The book is made in the reader’s head, it is him who makes it with his images. Giving away a book is really the best you can do.“

Read our article

42 ANS

Of actions for education in Cambodia


Libraries or reading places in service


Of your donations donated to our actions in the field

360 000

Direct beneficiaries

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